The first, Seek God. Second, Love Others. Third, Pursue Holiness. Now, Serve the Church.
Your church’s ministry is fueled by people like you who use their gifts to meet a variety of practical needs. Your church home probably has ministry teams for important things like Guest Services, Kids Ministry, Student Ministry, Adult Ministry, Worship Ministry, Missions Ministry, Facilities, Office Operations (finance and admin), and more. These teams exists to serve the men and women, boys and girls, members and guests alike, that come to your church. In one way or another, each person on these teams aims to help equip and encourage these folks to follow Jesus and help others do the same. Make sure you’re on one of these teams! Paul said God gave us gifts “for the common good.” (1 Co 12:7). Peter charged concerning gifts, “employ them in serving one another.” (1 Pt 4:10)
- Each week make sure to say a hearty “Thanks!” to a volunteer serving at your church. Some serve up front while others behind the scenes, but the wonderful ministry that you and your family enjoy at your church finds its fuel in the sacrificial service of volunteers. Say, “Thanks!”
- As you joyfully follow Jesus and desire to help others do the same, ask, “God, how would you like to work through me at my church?” Read, study, and pray through passages like 1 Cor 12, Rom 12:3-8, 1 Pt 4:10-11. Consider what you’re good at and passionate about. Consider the needs at your church. Talk to your pastors and friends at church. Seek to understand how God is working in your life and how that can be used for Christ in your church’s life.
- Cultivate an attitude of the heart that says, “I want to serve God’s mission as long as He gives me breath. How can I help? Given my gifts and my passions, where can I serve? No job is too small for me. I want to help others follow Jesus!”
- Join a ministry/service team at your church. Don’t have a clue where to start? Start anyway. Experiment. Scared or think you don’t have much to offer? Take the first small step. The early days may be less than ideal, but over time you’ll discover what you’re really good at—your blessing to others will increase, and your satisfaction and joy will soar.
- Remember, “… the church is the hope of the world. But that hope rests on the willingness of volunteers from all walks of life—doctors, teachers, at-home moms, business executives, college students, nurses, grandmothers, retired engineers, carpenters, dentists, hairdressers, high school kids, grocery-store clerks—to be mobilized, empowered, and used by God.” (Hybels)
- Your church leaders exists to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry.” (Eph 4:11-12) Let them help you. Give them a call.
Your church family could use your help. Let ’em know you’re available.
Serve the church!
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