I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was as sweet as ever, though tempered by the recent news that my wife Tara has breast cancer. God is good all the time, yet His faithfulness has seemed to shine at every turn for us in the last month. We feel very thankful these days.
After being diagnosed in early December Tara goes in for double mastectomy surgery this morning, Wednesday, December 27. We would certainly appreciate your prayers.
Here is a Facebook post that Tara rattled off on December 23.
From Tara on December 23: I’ve been waiting to post this because there’s been so many up-in-the-air details, and it’s been a lot to process; but I was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago. I went in for my first mammogram in July when I turned 40, then they did a second one in August and told me it was a dense area, and they wanted to recheck it in January. Well, early November I felt a spot on my left breast that hurt to press on, so I assumed it was a cyst but went ahead and had my OBGYN look at it. She ordered another 3D mammogram… which led to an ultrasound and biopsy that same day (Nov 29th). A few days later I got the call that it was cancer.
😳 Fast forward a month, and I’ve had more mammograms and ultrasounds, another biopsy, an MRI, chest x-ray, lots of labs drawn, have met twice with the plastic surgeon and breast surgeon and am miraculously (seriously – God opened an operating room that wasn’t available before we prayed about it) having a double mastectomy with reconstruction this coming Wednesday. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions, all held up by the God who made me, loves me, & promises to never leave me. We’ll know more after surgery and will update as able, but I know there’s many of you who had no idea, so I wanted to go ahead and share
Cling – and i mean WORSHIP cling, not just tip your hat – to Jesus because you CAN NOT go through things like this without Him. He is real & worthy of your full devotion. Hug your hubby because he’s amazing & schedule your mammogram, ladies.
All for now. Thanks for praying. And Happy New Year!
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